For many of us working from home, interruptions by the cat, children, the postman, lunchtime, the kettle boiling, a good book, and many more, all seem to get in the way of a full engaged and constructive day's work. Often tasks like invoicing, updating social media, proof reading that document before it needs to be sent, doing some desk research to support a business pitch all seem to be easily overlooked. Tasks like these can easily be outsourced to a freelance PA. And with a freelance PA there are the advantages of only paying for the support you need, knowing the task will be done on time and as requested, freeing up your time to be spent more productively elsewhere, and taking that niggling worry away from the back of your mind of the tasks you ought to do but somehow ever get around to it.
If you have those niggling worries, and a 'to do' list that's longer than you are comfortable with, then perhaps now is the time for you to consider hiring a freelance PA.
Get in touch for an informal chat about the support I could offer you and your business, I'd love to help.